App Development

1. Apps

App - An application program also known as an app is a program delevoped to perform specific tasks or activities

Some Popular Apps
Use Apps
Paint MS Paint, Tux Paint, Krita,
Web Browser Opera -

Google Chrome -

Microsoft Edge -

Firefox -
Word Processor MS Word, Google Docs, LibreOffice Writer, WordPad
Spreadsheet MS Excel, Google sheets, Lotus 1-2-3, LibreOffice Calc
Presentation Software MS PowerPoint, LibreOfiice Impress, Google Slides, iWork
Photo editor GIMP, Adobe photoshop, Picasa, Pixir
Educational Khan Academy, edX, Udacity, Periodic Table, Duolingo
Messaging WhatsApp -

Snapchat -

Skype -
Social Networking Facebook -

Twitter -

Instagram -
Gaming Minecraft, DreamChess, Fortnite, Roblox

2. Classification of Apps

3. Developing a mobile app

  1. Get your app idea on paper
  2. Build a Native app or a Hybrid app, based on your needs
  3. Create an app with an app builder
  4. Test your app on iOS and Android devices
  5. Submit and Publish your app on the stores
  6. Improve and update your app continuously

4. Types of mobile apps

  1. Native - Mobile apps developed for specific mobile OS
  2. Hybrid - Mobile apps developed for cross-platform compatibility

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